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Results: 1 - 10 of 181
For organisations interested in interacting closely with the EI’s technical work programme and technical committees in specified areas of work or interest
BMZ Innovation Group Limited
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
Klemac Maritime Services Lda
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
I.C.S International Cargo Surveyors S.r.I
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
Department For Energy Security And Net Zero
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
Compass Infrastructure UK Ltd
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
Statera Energy Operations
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI support
TESS Aberdeen Limited
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI supportRegion of operation: UK, South America, Central and North America
Areas of work: Operations (including inspection and maintenance), Engineering
TESS Aberdeen can offer a wide range of fluid transfer, power and control solutions to the Oil & Gas, OEM and renewables industries worldwide, as well as supporting both local and international clients with the supply of MRO products and services. ISO 9001 certified, DNV type approved workshop and technicians for all types of flexible hose assemblies, such as, but not limited to, Hydraulic, Utility, Offshore/Onshore loading.
Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited
For organisations operating in the energy sector who collaborate with the EI to raise their profile, stay informed, help their staff to develop professionally and access EI supportRegion of operation: Asia Pacific
Areas of work: Measurement, testing and control, Law, policy and governance, Operations (including inspection and maintenance), Health and safety, Environment and climate, Engineering
Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, a Thai energy company engaging in business alongside social and environmental stewardship, aims to enhance national energy security with innovation-oriented businesses. This goal is to strengthen business continuity and develop sustainability for organization and Thai society. Currently, the Company covers 5 main businesses from upstream to downstream, along with Bangchak Initiative and Innovation Center. -Natural Resources and Business Development -Green Power Business -Refinery and Trading Business Group -Marketing Business Group -Bio-based Product Business -Business Development and Innovation Business