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February 2025
EI 1533 Quality assurance requirements for semi-synthetic jet fuel and synthetic blending components (SBC)
EI 1533 provides essential quality assurance requirements and recommendations for the manufacture of synthetic (jet fuel) blending components (SBC), (in accordance with ASTM D7566), their export and import, blending with conventional jet fuel/jet fuel components to produce semi-synthetic jet fuel (also known as Sustainable Aviation Fuel), co-processing to produce semi-synthetic jet fuel, and the export/import of semi-synthetic jet fuel from its point of origin through to delivery to airports.
EI 1533 is a supplement to, and intended to be read in conjunction with, EI/JIG Standard 1530.
Some of the main changes in this second edition are:
- Inclusion of references to, and information regarding, ASTM D7566 Annex A8 alcohol to jet synthetic kerosene with aromatics (ATJ-SKA).
- Repositioning of information on co-processing to a stand-alone chapter, to reflect recent and potential future changes to percentage limitations in governing jet fuel specifications.
- Inclusion of specific references to jet fuel specification GB 6537.
- Inclusion of requirements for SBC tank settling time prior to release.
- Inclusion of requirements for change of grade cleaning procedures for road tankers/rail tank cars for the transportation of SBCs.
- Inclusion of requirements for testing of static stock.
- The removal of reference to Parts 1 and 2 of ASTM D7566 Table 1, as the two parts have been merged with Table 1 in the latest version of ASTM D7566.
- Inclusion of soak testing requirements for facilities handling SBCs.
This second edition has been prepared by a broad collaboration of quality assurance specialists who have defined the mandatory provisions considered essential for the maintenance of SBC and semi-synthetic jet fuel quality from its point of manufacture through distribution systems to airports. EI 1533 is intended to assist in the large-scale deployment of semi-synthetic jet fuel globally.
The information contained in this publication will be of significant interest to SBC manufacturers, semi-synthetic jet fuel manufacturers, all those involved in existing jet fuel supply chains, including at airports, through to aircraft operators.
EI 1533 Quality assurance requirements for semi-synthetic jet fuel and synthetic blending components (SBC)

February 2025
3462 Wind Turbine Safety Rules Procedure 5: Temporary application of an alternative safe systems of work
The Wind Turbine Safety Rules (WTSRs) are a model set of Safety Rules and procedures to help formalise a Safe System of Work (SSoW) to manage the significant risks associated with a wind turbine, both onshore and offshore. They have been developed by wind farm owners and operators for the purpose of achieving both general safety and safety from the system – a process that safeguards persons from the mechanical plant and LV apparatus and the associated system derived hazards.
The general direction of the Rules will be set by SafetyOn together with members of the G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation.
This document is free to all registered members of this site. Please login to download.
Wind Turbine Safety Rules Procedure 5: Temporary application of an alternative safe systems of work

January 2025
3580 Guidelines on integrity management for LNG operations
The purpose of this publication is to provide information and guidance on the identification and management of corrosion and degradation threats as part of the integrity management of LNG liquefaction and re-gassification facilities.
The scope of this guidance document focuses on the following equipment and systems for LNG facilities:
− process, utility and safety-related pressure systems;
− pipelines (within the facility battery limits);
− steel structures, including jetties;
− atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks, and
− LNG loading arms.
The main body of the guidelines is applicable to on-land liquefaction and import/ re-gassification facilities as these represent the vast majority of LNG facilities. Process and utility systems for floating liquefaction (FLNG) or storage and re-gassification (FSRU) facilities are generically similar in nature to those used on land, modified as appropriate to take account of wind and wave action on the process itself and equipment and structures, and the vastly reduced plant layout footprint. As such, integrity management activities are broadly similar and therefore the guidance in this document may be applied as appropriate to both on-land and floating facilities with any additions or exceptions detailed in Annex C.
Guidelines on integrity management for LNG operations
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Our publications are outputs of the EI Technical programme which aims to provide industry with cost effective, value-adding knowledge on key current and future issues within the energy sector. The programme is set and steered by the EI’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) which delivers on its aims through publications, workshops and by facilitating technical discussion between different sectors of industry, including regulators.
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