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G+/IMCA in partnership with Energy Institute walk to work workshop
The G+ and International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) held a joint workshop on 9th April 2024 in response to incidents with ‘Walk to Work’ (W2W) access systems in offshore wind. The purpose of the workshop was to identify steps the industry should take to deliver an improvement in safety performance of W2W access systems.
Circular economy indicators in the oil and gas industry
Developed in partnership with Ipieca, this guidance presents the first oil and gas specific set of circularity indicators, bringing together elements from a number of existing circular economy (CE) frameworks and providing qualitative and quantitative CE indicators to enable oil and gas companies to measure the circularity of their assets and material in/out flows.
Through aligning the industry’s understanding of CE and providing a general approach to measuring circularity, the guidance ensures adherence to environmental standards, encourages innovation and fosters collaboration.
Increasing the circularity of their production processes and products can support oil and gas companies to produce the energy the world needs, while reducing impacts on natural resources and biodiversity, and cutting emissions.
As well as providing climate, environmental and social benefits, CE helps builds long-term resilience and generates business and economic opportunities.
This report helps oil and gas industry CE SMEs, waste professionals and corporate sustainability units to:
- Improve understanding of the various CE frameworks available
- Develop a CE strategy
- Improve their companies’ CE performance
- Measure, assess, report and steer on circularity
Recommended practices for CH4 emissions detection and quantification — combustion efficiency and flaring destruction
This document has been developed as a follow up of the project to IOGP Report 661 Recommended practices for methane emissions detection and quantification technologies – upstream, performed for IOGP, IPIECA and OGCI, which aims to provide oil and gas operators with guidelines for selecting and deploying methane emissions detection and quantification technologies tailored to the situation at their sites, with the aim of improving upstream methane management and emissions reporting.
This document addresses technologies to quantify the emissions from flares, which are an important source of greenhouse gas emissions in the oil and gas industry. The report and an accompanying Technology filtering tool can be used to guide operators by asking questions to identify potentially relevant technologies to quantify emissions from flares. A series of detailed data sheets have been developed through input from various stakeholders, including technology providers, operators, and academic research.
This report also covers other measurement techniques and technologies important for flare performance monitoring, which include single and multi-sensor aerial methods (drones and aircrafts), stationary methods, and calculation-based methods (numerical models and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/predictive systems). Case studies are presented as a knowledge sharing exercise to address how the implementation of technology can be used to identify flaring emissions and inform emissions reduction. Therefore, the work presented in this report is complementary to initiatives to minimise or eliminate routine flaring.
An online technology filtering tool, detailed technology data sheets covering 7 combustion efficiency and flaring destruction technologies, and decision trees to guide technology deployment have also been developed alongside the Report.
Energy Institute & Ipieca - Circular economy indicators in the oil and gas industry
A new Technical and Innovation webinar can be found here on YouTube.This insightful webinar sheds light on circular economy metrics in the oil & gas industry. This webinar delves into the recently published article by the Energy Institute & Ipieca in collaboration with KPMG “Circular economy indicators in the oil and gas industry”. The publication can be found on the EI's Technical and Innovation page and there will be at least three further webinar in 2024.
Record 7.5 million hours worked in UK onshore wind industry last year
SafetyOn, the health and safety organisation for the onshore wind industry, has today released their 2023 Incident Data report, highlighting a year of growth for the UK onshore wind industry.
Media release
EI Technical + Innovation key work areas
EI Technical + Innovation’s work can be divided into three overlapping themes, developed through member collaboration, dialogue with regulators, academia and wider stakeholders. Click each theme to discover last year’s highlights and this year’s activities.