Markets and investment

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Global energy investment totalled more than USD 1.9 trillion in 2021, with the power and end-user sectors attracting more investment than traditional fuel production

Energy markets focus on the trade and supply of electricity, gas and liquid fuels. They consist of three main elements: generation or production, transmission and distribution, and supply. Once electricity is generated or gas and oil is produced, it is sold on the wholesale market to suppliers, who sell it on to consumers and arrange for its delivery. It is distributed to homes and businesses through transmission and distribution systems. Depending on a country’s government policy, these elements of energy markets may be nationalised or privatised. Energy markets are closely regulated to ensure secure access to energy at fair prices, since energy is a necessity for sustained economic output and human welfare. Energy markets in the UK are privatised and regulated by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), which is responsible for protecting the interest of consumers by promoting fair competition. UK energy markets have recently experienced significant changes due to diversification of electricity generation through the rise of renewable energy sources, as well as the addition of many new suppliers.

Around the world, investments in the energy system are shifting, with increasing funds flowing into renewables, grid flexibility mechanisms, and low carbon transport. An appropriate policy and regulatory environment is required for continued investment towards a low carbon economy while maintaining energy security. The low carbon transition often requires the government to drive and guide private spending since investments in low carbon energy infrastructure are often capital-intensive and require long-term returns. There is growing need for new market structures to be defined and existing ones to play different roles in order to encourage low carbon investments across all sectors of energy, while also keeping the energy system stable and conventional sources flowing. Increased interconnection is also an option for moving towards more sustainable and cost-effective energy systems; integration of national energy systems through cross-border infrastructure can redefine investment agendas.

Learn more about markets and investment by reading our Energy Insights.

For the latest news and articles on energy pricing read New Energy World.

View upcoming finanace and investment consultations and policies on our Policy Milestones Calendar.

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Events and training

British Institute of Energy Economics Policy Conference 2024


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Economics of the Oil and Gas Industry - October 2024

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UK Energy Policy Debate: Local Energy Vs National Energy


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Introduction to LNG - October 2024

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WPC Energy UK National Committee Expert Workshop 2024


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Technical guidance publications

Guidance on large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) system design, development and operation


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Research Report: Embedding circularity into the construction and decommissioning of assets (Phase 1)


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Research report: Application of life cycle assessment methodology to the understanding of the energy balance and efficiency of hydrogen value chain building blocks


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Waste to products – Technology and economic assessment (phase 1)


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