03/10/2018 - 04/10/2018
08:00 - 17:00 UK Time
The Marcliffe Hotel and Spa, North Deeside Road, Aberdeen, AB15 9YA
Speaker: £245.00 (excl. VAT)
Young Persons Network two days: £250.00 (excl. VAT)
Young Persons Network one day: £150.00 (excl. VAT)
Student one day: £85.00 (excl. VAT)
Company member one day: £365.00 (excl. VAT)
Company member two days: £490.00 (excl. VAT)
Student two days: £170.00 (excl. VAT)
Non-member one day: £475.00 (excl. VAT)
Member one day: £295.00 (excl. VAT)
Non-Member: £540.00 (excl. VAT)
Member: £450.00 (excl. VAT)
An essential conference for those involved in asset integrity, ageing, life extension and operational integrity for oil and gas assets.
Contact us to become a sponsor
3 - 4 October 2018
Download the agenda | Download the booking form - Please download the booking form if you wish to book for one day only/are a company member, student or young professional
This conference will explore the latest industry strategies, good practice, research, lessons learned and innovative thinking surrounding the wide range of issues that affect the integrity, ageing, and life extension oil and gas assets. Moreover, for 2018 the conference will include an additional day that focuses on the fundamental interactions between people, plant and process that are critical for asset integrity, as proper attention to these issues is required to reduce the risk of major accidents. This addresses the point made by HSE at Asset 2017 that 'continued focus on asset integrity alone will not address the risk of a major HCR'.
Key topics of interest:
- Asset integrity threat management: including corrosion, fatigue, fabric maintenance, plant degradation, lessons learned from failures, inspection, and maintenance
- Life extension vs. decommissioning for particular plant types: such as compressors and structures
- Human factors: including safety critical task analysis, procedures, supervision, use of bow-ties
- Process safety management: factors such as management of change, leadership, control of work, risk assessing work arounds
Who should attend:
This event will be of interest to managers, engineers, technical authorities and subject matter experts working in asset integrity, ageing, life extension and decommissioning for the oil and gas industry, including those with responsibilities for managing operations, corrosion, fabric maintenance, life extension, human factors, process safety, and regulation and compliance.
The conference will enable the learning and sharing of best practice between companies and industries and offer excellent networking opportunities with delegates from around the world representing operating companies, EPC contractors, service and equipment suppliers, consultancies, regulators and academia.
Expert speakers include:
Day 1:
- Chair: Laura Forté CEng, Process Safety Lead, ConocoPhillips U.K.
- Ashley Hynds MEng CEng, HM Principal Inspector Process Safety, Health & Safety Executive
- Innes AuchterIonie, Managing Director, IMRANDD
- Steve McHugh, HES Manager, Chevron Upstream Europe, Chevron
- Michael Green, Technical Director – Safety & Reliability, Oil and Gas, Atkins
- Matthew Pybus CEng, Head of Asset Integrity, Energy & Marine Technology, Marine & Technology, Babcock International Group
- Bill Gall MEI, Human Factors Consultant, Kingsley Management
- Professor Ron McLeod, Consultant, Ron McLeod
- Bob Taylor, Maintenance Specialist
- Johanna Smith MEng, Technical Process Safety Consultant, ABB
- Dr Edward Whyte, Principal Corrosion Engineer, Plant Integrity Management
Day 2:
- Chair: Dr Cameron Stewart CEng FEI, Upstream Technical Manager, Energy Institute
- Mohamed Attia Ahmed CEng, Integrity Management Lead, Saudi Aramco
- Meshary Al-Bahli, Engineer IV, Saudi Aramco
- Edgar Rodrigues CEng MEI Chartered Energy Engineer, Corrosion and Materials Technical Authority, TAQA
- Simon Lowe, Senior Consultant, Xodus Group
- Hossam Aboegla, Senior Consultant, Asset Integrity and Maintenance Optimisation, Lloyd’s Register
- Philip Buchan, Commercial Director, Cyberhawk Innovations
- James McNab, NDE Technology Manager, Oceaneering International
- Sandy Miller CEng, Principal Naval Architect, Oceaneering
- Rob Swindell CEng, Vibration Engineering Lead, Wood
- Alexander Miller, Principal Naval Architect, Oceaneering Asset Integrity
- Matthew Barnett, Mechanical Technical Authority, Nexen Petroleum UK
- Jonathan White, Business Development Director, FOS Group
- Bill Brown, Technical Manager, TRAC Oil & Gas
- Andy Hollins CEng, Principal Consultant, ABB
- Paul Gogarty, Asset Lifecycle Product Manager, ABB
Programme highlights:
Day 1:
Symposium technical sessions - Avoiding failures in the operational phase
Sessions include:
- Managing maintenance backlogs to deliver effective risk management and operational integrity
- Data analytics for optimal integrity management
Symposium technical sessions – process safety
Sessions include:
- Offshore major hydrocarbon release risk: learnings from HSE's recent inspections of operational and asset integrity
- The shortsightedness of taking a short termism approach and the real need for collaboration in integrity management
- Process safety in decommissioning projects
- Transferable digital technologies from other industries
Symposium technical sessions – human factors
Sessions include:
- Energy Institute New Guidance on the Human Factors Aspects of Decommissioning
- Elevating your competency system; moving from task performance to key competencies
- Increasing the effectiveness of operating procedures through the application of human performance principles
- New EI/CCPS guidance on best practice in integrating human factors into bowtie analysis
Sponsored round table discussions include:
- Barrier awareness
- Good Process Safety Management
Day 2:
Keynote – Asset Integrity and Corrosion Under Pipe Supports
Symposium technical sessions – Asset integrity
Sessions include:
- Digital transformation in managing asset integrity
- Safety critical maintenance compliance and optimisation framework
- Exploring asset management in the aspect of stable operations at lower cost
- Aging asset optimisation
Symposium technical sessions – Asset integrity threat management
Sessions include:
- High Energy X-ray Digital Radiography of Heavily Corroded Risers
- Proactive design criterion to maximize the integrity, reliability and profitability of oil & gas assets
- Understanding the changes to vibration risk as assets age
- The practical application of remote hull inspection techniques on Glen Lyon FPSO
- Developing guidelines for the integrity management of valves
- Inspect and repair: a joined-up approach
- Assessment of corrosion under insulation and engineered temporary wraps using pulsed eddy-current techniques
- Ageing equipment - one size does not fit all: tailored approaches for managing deterioration and obsolescence
Sponsored round table discussions include:
- Addressing inspection data quality
Please download the booking form if you wish to book for one day only/are a company member, student or young professional
Early bird prices - NOW EXPIRED
Rates for one of the days: | Rates for both days: |
Members - £245 + VAT | Members - £350 + VAT |
Company members - £305 + VAT | Company members - £395 + VAT |
Non-members - £395 + VAT | Non-members - £445 + VAT |
Students - £70 + VAT | Students - £140 + VAT |
Young Professionals Network - £125 + VAT | Young Professionals Network - £200 + VAT |
Standard rate - from 22 June 2018
Rates for one of the days: | Rates for both days: |
Members - £295 + VAT | Members - £450 + VAT |
Company members - £365 + VAT | Company members - £490 + VAT |
Non-members - £475 + VAT | Non-members - £540 + VAT |
Students - £85 + VAT | Students - £170 + VAT |
Young Professionals Network - £150 + VAT | Young Professionals Network - £250 + VAT |
Gold sponsors:
Silver sponsor:
Media Partners:
Contact details
Francesca Ferrari: FFerrari@energyinst.org, +44 (0)20 7467 7192