EI LIVE webinar |The workforce of the future

Branch event




Online bookings are now closed. Please contact ypnnigeria@energyinst.org if you would like to book a place.

The workforce of the future: How can young professionals align themselves with the energy transition? is a joint webinar ran by the Nigeria and Caribbean YPN branches.

Time: 5pm Nigeria / 12pm T&T

Recent years have seen a positive shift in how the world views different aspects of the energy industry: energy management, climate change, skills, leadership, policies and compliance as well as many others. However, today’s energy sector leaders are currently faced with making decisions which will determine the sector and planet that Generation 2050 will inherit.

How can young professionals who would become the workforce of tomorrow align themselves with the ongoing energy transition? How can young professionals navigate employment challenges? How can they equip themselves to contribute to moving the energy transition toward realizing the sustainable energy needs of future generations? What initiatives can they undertake locally to promote and achieve net-zero goals by 2050?

Our panel of experts will provide key guidance and insight to young professionals on the soft and technical skills necessary to be successful ambassadors of the energy transition and effective future energy leaders.

Who should attend:

Young Professionals in the energy industry who are interested in:


Mervin Azeta Product & Service Delivery Manager – Schlumberger, Republic of the Congo

Mervin is an award–winning Nigerian energy professional, inter–sectional advocate, multi–talented engineer and presidential scholar. She is keenly passionate about energy access, sustainable development, gender equality, youth engagement, and cultivating the next generation of female scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians and transformative leaders.

Shane Wilson Commercial Analyst Manufacturing Industries and Energy Efficiency – National Gas Company, Trinidad and Tobago

Shane is an Associate Member of the Energy Institute. His current designation is as a commercial analyst for the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGCTT) promoting low carbon and clean energy ventures. Shane also works with an NGO group called Youth Government of Trinidad and Tobago launching educational initiatives for stimulating youth professional development within the sector.