Process Safety Management - Online - Module 4 - Plant Design

Training Course


Member: £80.00 (excl. VAT)
Non-Member: £95.00 (excl. VAT)

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Module 4 - Plant Design is part of the full Process Safety Management eLearning package, which provides an integrated overview of the 20 elements in 15 modular presentations sessions which are each 45 minutes in length.

This module can be undertaken as an individual module or altogether as a package on the EI’s learning management system, with recorded presentations and exercises taught by a leading expert in process safety and a former deputy director of the UK Health & Safety Executive.

Ian Travers

Ian is a world expert on process safety management, leadership and the establishment and implementation of key performance indicators for major hazard industries, Ian holds the Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Franklin Medal for his outstanding contribution to Process Safety.

Ian was the former Deputy Director (Chemical Regulation) UK Health and Safety Executive and has over twenty-five years’ experience in the regulation of chemical and major hazard industries and in the investigation of major incidents to discover the underlying causes. He is an expert on process safety management, leadership and the establishment and implementation of key performance indicators for major hazard industries. Ian holds the Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Franklin Medal for his outstanding contribution to Process Safety.

Ian has over twenty five years’ experience in the regulation of chemical and major hazard industries and in the investigation of major incidents to discover the underlying causes. He led the joint HSE and industry response to the major fire and explosion at the Buncefield fuel depot in the UK and established the UK Process Safety Leadership Group.
He also chaired the international expert panel to publish the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines on Process Safety Governance which is now the global benchmark on Process Safety Leadership and is also a member of the Energy Institute process safety committee.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand how risk plant / process design contributes to the prevention of major incidents,
• Describe the main stages in a plant lifecycle and how the basis of safety features in each stage,
• Understand the concept of inherent safety.

Key Points to cover:

• Purpose: To ensure that hazards (substances and conditions) are safely contained at all times whilst they are present within a facility.
• Learning Points:
o Primary containment, control systems designed to match hazards
o Inherent safety ensures the plant will automatically shut down or conditions can not cause a loss of containment / control – including designed safety margins
o Scope of design considers risks to people, environment, assets
o Meets legal codes and standards
o Methods and design reviews/ failure modes effects analysis / HAZOP / LOPA
o Life cycle stages and role of design at concept through to decommissioning
o Design reviewed and assessed during modifications / upgrades / replacement & repairs
o Protective and safety systems matched to worst case parameters – functional safety vs inherent safety
o Safe access and egress
o Safe by location – separation distances / confinement
o Design and siting of occupied buildings
o Design takes account of human factors and reduces the likelihood of error
o Design and reliability of essential utilities and back-up systems
o Design of emergency response equipment and escape routes
o Design and design decisions documented and available

Contact details

Training Team:, 02074677178

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