Power Market Design Transformation: Energy Policy Debate



10:30 - 14:00 UK Time

CMS Cameron McKenna, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6HL

Non-Member: £92.00 (excl. VAT)
Company member: £52.00 (excl. VAT)
Member: £32.00 (excl. VAT)

Attend to gain an understanding about how power market design arises, what policy, market, data, technology and consumers principles are guiding this development and whether new regulations are needed for the UK electricity market to embrace the energy system transformation.

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Speakers include:

About this Energy Policy Debate:

The ongoing transformation of the electricity industry has invigorated interest in power market design. The expansion of renewables, distributed generation, digital economy and innovations influencing energy consumption underscore a need of adapting market rules to meet these new challenges.

In the passing year the spotlight was focused on Professor Dieter Helm’s proposal to radically change the UK regulatory framework that shapes electricity market. The current market design reviewed in Helm’s ‘Cost of energy’ report is depicted as complex, confusing, contradictory and not fit for the purposes of the emerging low-carbon energy market.

Although the energy industry’s response to this Government commissioned review was mixed, it shares many of the concerns outlined in it. Too many interventions, layered one atop another, have resulted in a complicated system with regulation that still picks winners in a manner that is not as transparent or effective as it could be. A simpler and more stable regulatory and policy environment has been consistently called for by energy professionals via the Energy Barometer.

However, how likely is a vision of the future power market that pulls through low carbon technologies at lowest cost? How do we respond to social, commercial and political concerns that will likely arise from implementation of such market design?

Attend to:


10:30 - Registration, tea and coffee
11:00 - Debate commences, followed by approximately 30 minutes of Q&A
13:00 - Event concludes with lunch

Contact details

Francesca Ferrari: FFerrari@energyinst.org, +44 (0)20 7467 7192