EI LIVE | Energy Efficiency: The Road to Net Zero


16/09/2020 - 17/09/2020


Non-Member: £150.00 (excl. VAT)
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Member: £99.00 (excl. VAT)

Discover the latest approaches and strategies in energy efficiency that can help the UK reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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16 - 17 September 2020

Please note that registration closes at 17:00 on 15 September 2020

If you are a company member, please download the booking form to book your place - members and non-members can book online.

Energy efficiency, also known as the 'first fuel', is crucial for; lowering operational costs, complying with legislation, meeting consumer demand for high environmental standards, and most importantly reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Its importance is highlighted by these facts:

The UK's commitment to reaching net zero by 2050 is essential but ambitious, as clarity is needed for how we can accelerate down this road, and what this means for practicing energy efficiency. This conference will explore the approaches and strategies that leading energy practitioners are adopting to enable cost-effective energy savings and rapid emissions reductions - ensure your organisation isn't left behind by joining us online.

Who should attend:

Energy professionals from the following sectors:


16 September 2020

10:00 Welcome from the chair
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC
The journey to net zero

Setting the scene: Lessons of the past decade and first steps on the road to net zero
Esin Serin, Energy Analyst, Energy Institute

Insights into the EI's Energy Barometer:

The pathway to net zero
Ben Golding, Director, Energy Efficiency and Local, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

Net zero: cost or opportunity
Murray Birt, Senior ESG Strategist, DWS

A case study on Pledge to Net Zero
Dr Gareth Veal CEng MEI Chartered Energy Engineer Chartered Energy Manager, Expert Consultant and EI Trainer

Voting poll and Q&A
Improving energy efficiency and tools for energy reporting

Energy data and its role in driving energy efficiency
Sonia Van Ballaert, Global Client Director, IBM Global Markets

Reshaping energy regulation, auditing, and reporting: what does the future look like for energy managers?
Alex Pitman, Carbon and Energy Performance Manager, Co-op Power

Voting poll and Q&A

Summary from the chair and closing remarks
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC

Welcome back from the chair
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC

Reducing emissions and costs: focus on energy storage
Chris Buckland, Technical Director, Lightsource BP
Cian McLeavey-Reville, Innovation Manager, National Grid ESO
Richard Whitmore, Senior Lead Specialist, Energy Storage, Offshore, Ørsted UK

Voting poll and Q&A
Behaviour change and energy use

Achieving energy efficiency through behaviour change: what will it take?
Moira Nicolson, Senior Behavioural Insights Manager, Ofgem

Implementing a stakeholder engagement strategy
Kiro Tamer, Group Energy Manager, Keltbray

Voting poll and Q&A

14:45 Summary from the chair and closing remarks
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC

17 September 2020

10:00 Welcome from the chair
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC
The role of energy efficiency in decarbonising heat

The role of energy efficiency in decarbonising heat
Dr Tom Knowland, Head of Sustainable Energy and Climate Change, Leeds City Council
Andy Griffiths CEnv CEng, Head of Value Chain Sustainability, Nestlé UK
Anthony Hatfield, Senior Energy Manager, Group Business Services, Group Property, Rolls-Royce

Voting and Q&A

Electrification of heat demonstration: raising awareness, acceptance, and support for a wider deployment of heat pumps
Edmund Hunt, Service Design Lead Consultant, Energy Systems Catapult

Voting and Q&A session

Summary from the chair and closing remarks
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC

Welcome back from the chair
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC
Energy efficiency trends for the transport sector

The journey to decarbonised transport
Mark Major, Senior Advisor, SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport

Future of work and travel in a net zero world
Claire Daly, Head of Policy and Communications, Sustrans Scotland

Voting poll and Q&A
Fuel efficiency developments for different modes of transport

Fuel efficiency developments for different modes of transport
Keith Bushell, UK Environmental Affairs stakeholder manager, Airbus OL
Dr Santiago Suárez de la Fuente, Lecturer in Energy and Transport, The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, UCL Energy Institute

Voting and Q&A session

14:45 Closing remarks and summary from the chair
Paul Bennett CEng FEI, Managing Director, BSSEC

Contact details

Francesca Ferrari: fferrari@energyinst.org, +44 (0)20 7467 7192