08:00 - 15:40 CET
Atrium Hotel and Conference Centre, Paris, 95912
Please note that bookings close at 17:00 GMT, 27 February 2024.
08:30 | Registration |
09:00 | Welcome from the G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation Chair |
09:05 | G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation - Global update on activities |
09:30 | What is our data telling us? |
09:50 | Panel 1 - Regulation |
10:30 | Refreshments |
11:00 | Panel 2 - In conversation with the Industry Collaboration Committee |
11:45 | Innovation competition: Getting people home safe |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:30 | Poster breakouts - session 1
14:10 | Poster breakouts - session 2
14:40 | Refreshments |
15:00 | Reflections on poster breakouts |
15:30 | Chair's closing remarks |
15:40 | End |
The G+ Stakeholder Forum is the annual event, led by the G+, for anyone working in the offshore wind industry who is passionate about offshore wind health and safety. The event provides an important forum for the sector to gather to hear and discuss past and future work. The day will comprise of presentations, breakout groups and networking sessions covering current and future workstreams.
The event will be held at the Atrium Hotel and Conference Centre in Paris (CDG airport).
G+ is the global health and safety organisation, bringing together the offshore wind industry to pursue shared goals and outcomes. It is run in partnership with the Energy Institute, which provides the secretariat and supports its work.
Contact details
Events Team: events@energyinst.org
A Welcome Drinks reception will be held the previous evening (6th March):
Leading to the in-person event there will also be two regional webinars: