HEAT & DECENTRALISED ENERGY 2021: Green Jobs and Skills


29/09/2021 - 01/10/2021

08:30 - 13:00

Virtual Conference


Heat and Decentralised Energy 2021: Green Skills and Jobs, a three-day virtual conference hosted by the Association for Decentralised Energy and the Energy Institute. This event is completely free to attend and will take place from Wednesday 29 September to Friday 1 October 2021. 

HEAT & DECENTRALISED ENERGY 2021: Green Jobs and Skills

Creating green-collar jobs and providing the skills training needed to succeed in them is a top priority for the UK Government. It is already estimated that the Prime Minister’s ambitious Ten Point Plan will support up to 90,000 highly skilled green UK jobs within this Parliament, and up to 250,000 by 2030. This includes supporting 60,000 jobs in offshore wind, 40,000 new jobs in zero emission vehicles, and 50,000 jobs in greening the UK’s buildings – all by 2030. This represents the first steps towards the UK Government’s broader ambition of supporting 2 million jobs in the green economy and its supply chains.

In its July 2021 report, the Green Jobs Task Force made clear recommendations to Government on driving investment in net zero, building pathways into good green careers and ensuring a just transition for workers in the higher carbon economy.  The decentralised energy sector has a pivotal role to play in this growth, offering a vast range of place-based jobs – both now and in the near future.

Heat and Decentralised Energy 2021: Green Skills and Jobs - a three-day virtual conference hosted by the Association for Decentralised Energy and the Energy Institute – will explore how the sector can respond to and position itself for this anticipated growth, and how we can use this opportunity to continue to advocate for the support the sector needs.  Bringing together industry, partners, stakeholders and policymakers, the conference will put heat, power, flexibility and efficiency in the green recovery spotlight.

To reserve your space, please book directly through their website here

We look forward to you joining us.