EI LIVE | SafetyOn Incident Data



14:00 - 15:30



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Webinar: SafetyOn Incident Data

A record 7.2 million hours were worked in the UK’s onshore wind sector last year. Despite the increase in activity, 2022 saw a decrease in the total reported incidents according to data collected by SafetyOn.

With activity burgeoning, ensuring the industry’s focus on health and safety remains resolute is critical. That’s where SafetyOn – the health and safety body for the onshore wind industry – plays a leading role. Providing leadership for the sector, SafetyOn ensure transparency on the industry’s health and safety performance, promotes good practice, and assists the industry in mitigating key emerging risks through co-operation and shared learning.

Established in 2019, the organisation brings together 82 member companies and other industry stakeholders to tackle health and safety issues in the onshore wind industry through four main areas: incident data reporting, good practice guidelines, safe by design and learning from shared incidents.

During this webinar Anna de Fortuna (Deputy Head of Health and Safety, Enercon; SafetyOn Data Lead) and Chris Forster (Senior H&S Specialist Onshore UK, Vattenfall; SafetyOn Data Lead) will provide an overview of the data collection method, key trends, and explain how monitoring and gathering data on the health and safety performance of the UK onshore wind sector informs our evidence-based work programme and ensures transparency across the membership and with stakeholders.